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Andrew Watts

Andrew Watts

Born in Yorkshire, England, Andrew Watts is a retired mariner, serving in the British Merchant Navy, as a pilot on the Manchester Canal, a Port Captain in Saudi Arabia, then in Oman, Turks and Caicos, and Saba as a dive instructor, before moving to Niagara and working with POCOMAR for 16 years. He lives in Wainfleet with his wife, Alicia.

[email protected]

Recent Work by Andrew

WATTS UP | The most unforgettable underwater experience ever

WATTS UP | The most unforgettable underwater experience ever

Call it pure luck, because no one could've planned it
WATTS UP | The scourge that was once a death sentence

WATTS UP | The scourge that was once a death sentence

Today's cancer treatments bear scant resemblance to those of decades past
WATTS UP | Beauty just under the surface

WATTS UP | Beauty just under the surface

Our new retired mariner columnist introduces himself, and takes us on a dive
More work by Andrew >