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The Voice Municipal Election Tracking Poll RESULTS Last week, with 83 days to go before Election Day, we asked who you would for vote for if the election were held now. With 158 votes recorded, the results were unambiguous.

The Voice Municipal Election Tracking Poll


Last week, with 83 days to go before Election Day, we asked who you would for vote for if the election were held now.

With 158 votes recorded, the results were unambiguous.


Overwhelming majorities favoured former Town Councillor Marvin Junkin for Mayor, and incumbent Regional Councillor Brian Baty for reelection to that seat.

Their opponents may take some comfort, however, in seeing that "Undecided" placed second in both races. Percentages are rounded to closest decimal.

Although safeguards are in place to eliminate multiple votes, this is a self-selected poll, meaning it has no scientific validity compared to formal random surveys undertaken by established polling firms.